Commercial and Residential Contractors
Welcome to Concord Construction Enterprises, LLC. We are the Tri-State Area's fastest growing commercial and residential construction company.
About Us
Concord is a commercial construction company, with over a decade of experience in General Contracting, Construction Management and Design-Building. Our company is capable of providing services in practically every aspect of the construction industry – from design and engineering to actual construction and maintenance. We actively participate in commercial, governmental, institutional and residential projects in the Northeastern United States, to include the states of New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania and Delaware.
Why choose us?
    We have been in the construction business for nearly 30 years of combined experience. We only hire highly trained labor force. We treat our workers well, pay them well, and in return, our employees work hard every day to satisfy ALL customers and provide best quality possible.
    It is our priority to satisfy every single customer. No project left behind. Ever. We will do impossible things to make you happy and proud as a customer because we are here to do business for a long time, and we'd like you to pass our name to all your friends and family. All references available upon request.
    In order for the next generation to succeed, we must care about our environment today. Concord Construction is using the latest eco-friendly technologies and installations along with environmentally safe products. Why? Because we care about future of our kids.
    Concord Construction is a fully insured and bonded company. All employees, operations, equipment and vehicles are insured with Liability, Workman Compensation and Umbrella high level policies. Bonding capacity allows us to perform higher magnitude projects.
Construction Services
Concord has in the past, handled many construction projects with different clients and their needs. In order to meet the individual requirements of a client, we've had to become flexible with the construction services offered to our customers.

Below is a brief list of the construction services:

• Architecture and Planning
• Estimating and Scheduling
• Interior and Exterior Design
• Value Engineering and Cost Analysis
• Permitting and Approval
• Site Development
• Data and Communication
• Interiors and Exteriors Trades
• Equipment Installation
• Landscaping Design
• Facility Maintenance

The best way to move forward is to plan your needs. Please CONTACT us via your preferred method.

Concord has extensive experience in following construction delivery methods:

• Hard Bid/Construction Management at Risk (CMAR) Construction Management at Risk is a delivery method wherein the construction firm delivers a project within Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP). This method, sometimes, referred by contractors as an old fashioned "Hard Bid" and benefits the owner in at least two different ways; 1) the owner is assured that project will not go over budget; 2) the owner knows that project risks are shared with the construction firm.

• Design/Build In some cases, owners prefer to have single company do the actual design and build portions of the project. Going over budget is a common problem and we can prevent this by being able to select Architect/Engineer to design the project in accordance with the specifications of the owner and closely monitor the design process. A single point of responsibility is the biggest and strongest benefit to the owner.

• Construction Management as Agent (CM) During the design phase of the project, the CM (Construction Manager) will work closely with the Architect/Engineer to design the project and act as a consultant for the owner. This approach enables us to give more value to the owner as we are able to ensure that the design part of the project is economically sustainable. Once the construction phase kicks-in, the CM takes control over the entire project and becomes General Contractor. Flexibility in decision making is the main benefit to the owner.

• Competitive Sealed Proposals (CSP) In this method, the owner has the option to take into consideration different factors other than just the bid price. The owner may weigh a company's experience, performance on past projects, construction costs, safety records and does not necessarily have to award the project to low bidder.

• Subcontracting Concord is acting as a subcontractor to other construction businesses on different projects. Our clientele are local and nationwide General Contractors, Design-Build Firms, Architects, Real Estate Agencies and other businesses. Please read more about SELF-PERFORMED services available to other companies and how they can benefit your business.


Concord is a full-service construction company. Unlike other firms that need to sub-contract critical trades to other companies, we take pride in being able to perform these trades in-house by a team of highly skilled craftsmen that are well experienced in their trades.

The following are our IN-HOUSE services that we offer:

• Concrete (Foundations, Slabs and Horizontal/Vertical Concrete)
• Drywall and Taping
• Painting, Wallpaper, Staining, Ceramics and Other Finishes
• Doors, Frames and Hardware
• Rough and Finish Carpentry
• Acoustical Ceilings
• Light Demolition/Clean up
• Exterior Trades and Landscaping

Being able to self-perform the above mentioned trades has many advantages to both us and our clients:

• The ability to commence scheduled enhancement work as soon as we are ready and usually ahead of the scheduled time.
• To work well within the budget limitations of a project.
• To control the quality of the finished product.
• All tradesmen have undergone the necessary safety briefings and thus they are well aware of our high SAFETY STANDARDS.


When large institutions forecast that they will have numerous construction and renovation projects over the years, instead of awarding miscellaneous contracts to different construction companies, they hire a single company to perform all work. This is called Job Order Contracting (JOC) and Statewide is well experienced in this type of contract.

In order for a construction business to be able to participate in Job Order Contracting, company need to have an excellent track record and working relationship with the client. Frequently, the client requires emergency work to be performed and personnel must be immediately available.

There are many advantages to JOC:

• Clients can have emergency works done within the timeframe and budget
• Project costs are reduced because there is no longer a need to spend money on solicitation and bidding processes
• Provides incentives for quality performance
• Provides design/build capability
• Overall the projects are completed faster and within the budget

Personal information is never shared
Safety 1st
Being a responsible contractor, there is nothing more important to us than adhering to standard safety practices. In Concord Construction, we live and breathe safety because we care. We care for our employees and their families, our suppliers and subcontractors, we care for the environment, and most of all, we care for the community that we operate in.

As a company in the construction industry, we work with construction materials and equipment that if not handled properly, can cause loss of property, injury to personnel, or even death. Every accident in the work place will have financial impact. However, finances are the least of our concerns when it comes to accidents. Injury and loss of human life are the top concerns. Money can be recovered, but a human life cannot and this is the reason why we strictly adhere to safety regulations in every project from start to finish.

At Concord Construction, employee health and safety is taken very seriously. As such, we have established training programs that will ensure that all of our employees are aware of the standard safety practices from the moment that he or she walks onto the job site to the moment that they leave for home.

In order for a company to comply with safety methods, it needs to be certified in some aspects by a certification giving body. Following is an example of the few certifications that Concord Construction holds:

• OHSA 30 Hours Certifications

• Heavy Equipment Safety and Operation Certifications

• Supplier's Safety Certifications
Our Pledge to Environment
Every responsible construction enterprise can do plenty things to protect the environment. As our company faces the challenge of preserving it, we also strive to raise public awareness of the dangers faced due to a degrading environment and the methods everyone can participate to help the process. For this reason, we created the REUSE, REDUCE, RECYCLE Program and this challenge is tackled three different ways:

• Reducing the amount of energy consumed and amount of the greenhouse gas emissions. Since some of the biggest energy consumers today are buildings, there is necessity to create buildings that are environmentally friendly in every way possible. Newly designed and constructed buildings need to be able to consume less energy thereby producing less greenhouse emissions.

• Recycling construction materials and debris. Most construction projects will produce a variety of pollutants that will harm the environment. We realize that it is imperative that construction materials and debris that can pollute the air and water supplies, therefore they should be minimized as much as possible and recycled properly.

• Reducing construction costs to the lowest possible levels. By carefully designing and constructing the building, we are able to reduce construction costs without sacrificing the stability of the structure and the comfort of its occupants. Reducing construction costs is an important accomplishment in itself as it means that fewer natural resources are consumed. This also translates into major energy savings.

By engaging in environmentally friendly construction processes, we noticed that there are numerous positive effects. The buildings that are designed and constructed by Concord Construction contribute to the overall wellness of its occupants and the community. There are minimal changes to the natural surroundings and most of all, less energy is consumed during the course of development and the building's lifecycle.

Completed Projects
Markets We Serve
Concord Construction is a company that performs equally well in multiple construction markets due to its experience, knowledgeable and hardworking staff , flexible customer service approach and simply, the natural desire to expand the business and serve our clients. Knowing the advantages of innovation and taking pride in our innovative prowess, we explore construction methods and formulate solutions that will meet the demands of the project.
272 Dunns Mill Rd. Suite 315
Bordentown, NJ 08505
Phone: (609) 283-1000